Now together with
Goodmanor GmbH, Berlin

Amazing Products for the German Market

What We Do: Offering Amazing Products

Trend Monitoring & Product Scouting

We constantly monitor consumer trends and search for the best products worldwide to fulfill the resulting customer needs. While we generally are agnostic about categories, we tend to focus on lifestyle products in nature cosmetics, wellness, home & kitchen and ae very selective. What all our current and future products have in common: top quality, superior overall customer value in the respective price category and reliable, trustworthy suppliers.


We are selling partners of and our daily business is data-based optimisation of the AMZ funnel (see below): From creating traffic, ensuring conversion-optimised product texts and pictures to earning the buy box and rendering first-time customers to repeat customers: our employees know and apply all the "secrets to success" and are constantly honing their skills.


With our top suppliers we strive to develop long-term strategic relationships for mutual benefit that are based on best practice and sustainable competitive advantage. Important elements can include frame contracts, innovation partnerships and also joint product development / private labelling.

Top Customer Service

81% of consumers trust the recommendations of friends and family over those from a business. And brand loyalty is important -- because nearly 37% of buyers spend more with brands they're loyal to. Thus, it is part of our business philosophy to constantly strive to earn the loyalty of our customers by offering superior quality products and delight and empower them so they not only keep coming back, but refer family and friends to become customers, too.

Business Unit of connex advisors GmbH

We are a Business Unit of connex advisors GmbH, a boutique management consultancy with focus on market strategy, project management and implementation. As many of our projects are about digitalisation, eCommerce and retail, Madison Berlin profits from the experience and connections in our wide network of clients, freelancers and consultants.

How? Constantly optimising the AMZ Funnel ...

... and thus bridging the gap from viewers and potential buyer to (repeat) customer describes our daily operations

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